was listening to nofx this afternoon and was wondering what similiar bands exist that i've never heard of?
audioscrobbler, the back end for last.fm, has exposed a vast array of recommendation data as a webservice.
time to write some code to make use of it....
wrote a ruby script fetch.rb to mine the data (what did we do before hpricot?)
run it as ./fetch.rb nofx 75 20 > nofx.yaml
this builds a yaml file of a graph where nodes represent artists and edges represent a similiar artist.
now to draw it! another script generate_dot_input.rb to do some collating of data and generate a .dot file for graph viz to use.
run it as ./generate_dot_input.rb < nofx.yaml | neato -Tpng > nofx.png
here are two graphs centered around nofx generated at different depths/widths; a one small (150k) generated with 75 min similiarity and 20 nodes max and a one big (1,300k) generated with 60 min similiarity and 45 nodes max
june 14, 2008