brain of mat kelcey...

tweets about cheese

November 15, 2009 at 08:45 PM | categories: Uncategorized

people tweet about all sorts of stuff.

sometimes it's really important ground breaking world changing stuff... but most of the time it's ridiculous waste of time stuff like 'i ate some cheese'

in fact how much do people actually tweet about cheese? and when they do, what are the most important cheese related topics?

lets gather some data...

bash> curl -s -u user:pasword

let's poke around, but first some l33t hax0r bash aliases for the sake of brevity

alias t='tail'
alias h='head'
alias s='sort'
alias u='uniq'
alias g='grep'
let's start with a sample, the first 10 tweets...
bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h
Pasta with pesto and cheese. Some watermelon but alas did not get to the salad. At least not yet.
guess imma have a steak n cheese since a certain sum1 stunntin in bring me chines
@souljaboytellem Cheese and Bread XD
Great tips for awesome Pizza. Who loves Pizza. Cheese Matters
Hey bring that cheese.
Milwaukee airport officially 10x better than Lambert. Not surprisingly, a large cheese selection. Kind of a cheese motif in the shops here. - The Cheese Cake is served.
LA has amazing restaurants. had the best grilled cheese (w/sharp cheddar, gruyere and dijon mustard) at comme ca for lunch with @maxwanger
Yummy pepperoni and bleu cheese pizza consumed. Next up a glass of wine. Yay weekend!
Applebees take-out flow aka Dinner for 1- Grilled Chicken/Shrimp and cheddar jack mac & cheese.
to get a context on what words are being used lets find the most frequent words, ie 1-grams (where an n-gram is a phrase of n terms) in the first 10 tweets. we'll sanitize by removing weird characters, downcasing, removing urls, etc
bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h | ./sanitise.rb | ./cheese_grams.rb 1 | s | u -c | s -n | t
 2 in
 2 of
 2 with
 3 for
 3 not
 3 pizza
 4 the
 5 a
 5 and
11 cheese
(this says 'cheese' was mentioned 11 times while 'with' was mentioned twice)


  1. it's no surprise that cheese is the most frequent since it was our search term.
  2. the most frequent words that aren't cheese, 'and', 'a' and 'the', are classic english constructs.
  3. the next most frequent term is 'pizza'. is pizza the biggest cheese use? well, in these 10 tweets perhaps...
next lets consider the frequency of bi-grams, that is 2 word phrases.
bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h | ./sanitise.rb | ./cheese_grams.rb 2 | s | u -c | s -n | t
1 to the
1 up a
1 watermelon but
1 who loves
1 wine yay
1 with maxwanger
1 with pesto
1 w sharp
1 yay weekend
1 yummy pepperoni
this result is not too interesting, or surprising. seems there are no common two word tuples across the first 10 tweets. fair enough.

how about bigrams across 100 tweets instead of 10?

bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -100 | ./sanitise.rb | ./cheese_grams.rb 2 | s | u -c | s -n | t
 4 mac and
 4 nacho cheese
 5 & cheese
 5 cheese and
 5 grilled cheese
 5 i love
 6 cheese cake
 6 hot pocket
 6 with cheese
14 and cheese
now we're getting somewhere!

more (arguable) observations

  1. when people are making something with cheese they say 'X and cheese' more than 'cheese and X' ( from the raw frequencies )
  2. people like cheese more than they dislike it; ( the only sentiment is 'love' )
  3. 'with' is a reasonable synonym for 'and' ( since they are the two most frequent bigrams ending in cheese )
one that jumps out at me is 'mac and'. mac ? is this macaroni?

let's try 3grams...

bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -100 | ./sanitise.rb | ./cheese_grams.rb 3 | s | u -c | s -n | t
3 mac & cheese
3 not so delicious
3 pocket next time
3 pocket not so
3 so delicious as
3 sounds better go
3 the ham and
3 wine and cheese
3 you like cheese
4 mac and cheese
hmmm. looks like mac is macaroni.

from wikipedia... "Macaroni and cheese (also referred to as macaroni cheese in the United Kingdom and mac 'n' cheese in parts of the United States and Canada)" so macaroni cheese is pretty popular! at least in the 3gram space, at this time of day, which is late afternoon in the united states timezone

does this pattern continue as we consider more tweets? say 1000?

bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -1000 | ./sanitise.rb | ./cheese_grams.rb 3 | s | u -c | s -n | t
 7 macaroni and cheese
 7 philly cheese steak
 8 on the moon
 9 steak and cheese
10 ham and cheese
11 wine and cheese
28 chuck e cheese
33 mac and cheese
33 mac & cheese
48 mac n cheese
yep. how about 10,000 ?
bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | ./cheese_grams.rb 3 | s | u -c | s -n | t
 74 wine and cheese
 77 a grilled cheese
 78 egg and cheese
 78 ham and cheese
 81 with cream cheese
 89 at chuck e
194 mac & cheese
294 mac and cheese
301 mac n cheese
337 chuck e cheese
bam! chuck e cheese, one of the bastions of children's health food in america, takes over!

there is an overlap between 'at chuck e' and 'chuck e cheese' so let's try 4 grams...

bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | ./cheese_grams.rb 4 | s | u -c | s -n | t
27 mac n cheese and
27 water on the moon
28 bacon egg & cheese
28 mac and cheese and
29 call of duty modern
29 duty modern warfare 2
29 of duty modern warfare
32 bacon egg and cheese
58 to chuck e cheese
82 at chuck e cheese
  1. more people tweet when they're at chucke cheese than when they're planning to go there.
  2. 'call of duty modern warfare 2' wtf1?
  3. 'water on the moon' wtf2?
let's have a look at call of duty first.
bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | ./sanitise.rb | g 'call of duty' | h | s | u -c
1 i unlocked the royale with cheese achievement on call of duty modern warfare 2
1 making stromboli with tomoto cheese and spinach then going to best buy to get the new call of duty
8 unlocked royale with cheese in call of duty modern warfare 2 xboxtweet
so looks like one of those auto-tweet things (do they have a name yet?) people playing this on xbox have the option to tweet about how awesomely awesome they are when they unlock some secret level.

how best to get rid of them? let's try exact deduping of a tweet and see if they 'go away'

bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | wc -l
bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | sort | uniq | wc -l
so it's getting rid of 230 odd tweets, not too destructive..

what about wtf2, ie 'water on the moon' ?

bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | g -i 'water on the moon' | h
Water on the moon... what?!? No cheese?
Water on the Did they find any cheese? I hope not, cause then there'll be some big ass moon rats.
Water on the moon? They probably just didn't realize this "water" is actually cheese.
RT @jdickerson: The significant amount of water on the moon means, of course, that the cheese is mozzarella.
so the moons not made of cheese? google's logo is changed to celebrate the discovery of water on the moon
NASA finds water on the moon. "Moon River" composed in 1961. So, why is NASA surprised? Anyway, can't make cheese without water, DOH.
"Significant water on the Moon" - so it looks like grey Swiss cheese, but with a consistency closer to mozarella rather than Parmesan...
Forgive my lack of awe at the news of water on the moon. I mean, used to think it was cheese. Water's not as cool as cheese.
RT @Grundy: Forgive my lack of awe at the news of water on the moon. I mean, used to think it was cheese. Water's not as cool as cheese.
RT @berkun: Of course there is water on the moon. The moon is made of cheese, and cheese has water in it.
ahha, i see. comical reactions to nasa recent lcross impact report.


  1. if i had more data and did a sliding window analysis of say a few days then 'water on the moon' would appear and disappear as a trending topic when dealing with cheese
  2. people would be tweeting less about chuck e cheese in the middle of week. need more data to check this one...
let's try an hugmongous 10gram check
bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | s | u | ./cheese_grams.rb 10 | s | u -c | s -n | t
8 is something that doesnt matter unless you are a cheese
8 mad ur man because he wont pull his dick out
8 man because he wont pull his dick out in chucky
8 ur man because he wont pull his dick out in
9 dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him
9 he wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so
9 his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give
9 out in chucky cheese so u can give him some
9 pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can
9 wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u
this time. really. wtf? ( i can't believe i'm actually going to do this next grep... )

bash&gt; ./parse_cheese_out.rb &lt; cheese.out | g -i 'pull his dick out' | h
RT @KevinHart4real #youKnowurahoeif U get mad @ur man becuz he won't pull his dick out n chucky cheese so u can give him head! Boom..oh my
RT @KevinHart4real: #youKnowurahoeif you get mad @ ur man because he won't pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head!
RT @KevinHart4real: #youKnowurahoeif you get mad @ ur man because he won't pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head!
RT :@KevinHart4real #youKnowurahoeif you get mad @ ur man because he won't pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head!
#youKnowurahoeif you get mad @ ur man because he won't pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head! (via @KevinHart4real)
RT @KevinHart4real #youKnowurahoeif you get mad @ ur man because he won't pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head!
RT @KevinHart4real: #youKnowurahoeif you get mad @ ur man because he won't pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some hea ...
#youKnowurahoeif you get mad at cho boyfriend cuz he won't pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head! BOOOOOOM !!!!!
RT @KevinHart4real #youKnowurahoeif you get mad @ ur man because he won't pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head! Bo
RT @KevinHart4real: #youKnowurahoeif you get mad @ ur man because he won't pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head!

so retweets are a bit adhoc and it seems that they aren't pulled out as part of the deduping

bash&gt; ./parse_cheese_out.rb &lt; cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | s | u | g 'pull his dick out'
gangstressb youknowurahoeif you get mad ur man because he wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head boooom
ha rt kevinhart4real youknowurahoeif u get mad ur man because he wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head
ha rt kevinhart4real youknowurahoeif u get mad ur man cause he wont pull his dick out n chucky cheese so u can give him sum head boom
kevinhart4real youknowurahoeif you get mad ur man because he wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head ewww
rt kevinhart4real youknowurahoeif u get mad ur man becuz he wont pull his dick out n chucky cheese so u can give him head boom oh my
rt kevinhart4real youknowurahoeif you get mad ur man because he wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some hea
rt kevinhart4real youknowurahoeif you get mad ur man because he wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head
rt kevinhart4real youknowurahoeif you get mad ur man because he wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head bo
rt kevinhart4real youknowurahoeif you get mad ur man because he wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head boooom
youknowurahoeif you get mad at cho boyfriend cuz he wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head boooooom
youknowurahoeif you get mad ur man because he wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can give him some head via kevinhart4real


  1. people retweet in a quite adhoc fashion ( i guess this is why twitter has recently introduced the retweet feature? )
  2. ppl abbrev however they can 2 get a tweet 2 140 chars. all the tweets have 'so u can' instead of 'so you can' so i'm assuming that was in the original tweet. but 'because' has been shortened to 'cause' or even 'cuz' so that peoples additional insightful commentary (such as 'ewww' or 'booom') could be appended... more statistically synonym building oppurtunities!
  3. people left it as 'chucky cheese' instead correcting it back to 'chuck e cheese'
anyways seems like removing all retweets is arguable. it would depend on what you're trying to analyse for... let's give it a crack anyways and use a simple retweet check (ie starts with 'rt ')
bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | g -v "^rt " | s | u | ./cheese_grams.rb 10 | s | u -c | s -n | t
5 pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u can
5 savory pies ham and cheese breakfast quiche submitted by bobkat2000
5 the early bird may get the worm but the second
5 wont pull his dick out in chucky cheese so u
6 and savory pies ham and cheese breakfast quiche submitted by
6 clue thin slices of stuffed with cheese and ham and
6 get the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese
6 quiche and savory pies ham and cheese breakfast quiche submitted
6 slices of stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed
6 thin slices of stuffed with cheese and ham and then
looks like people are retweeting some kind of recipe...
bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | s | u | g 'thin slices of stuffed'
mystery phrase is v a b u clue thin slices of stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed
mystery phrase is v a c o b eu clue thin slices of stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed
mystery phrase is vea c do b eu clue thin slices of stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed
mystery phrase is vea cordo b eu clue thin slices of stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed
mystery phrase is veal cordo b eu clue thin slices of stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed
mystery phrase is veal cordo bleu clue thin slices of stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed
??? maybe it's not a retweet? mystery phrase? is this some kind of game???

this type of duplication would require a more complex deduping; perhaps shingling or simhash bucketing. for another day....

so in summary the final 1 to 4 grams are....

bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | g -v "^rt " | s | u | ./cheese_grams.rb 1 | s | u -c | s -n | t
1336 is
1465 my
1597 of
1619 with
2065 to
3157 a
3161 i
3408 the
4175 and
10213 cheese

bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | g -v "^rt " | s | u | ./cheese_grams.rb 2 | s | u -c | s -n | t 310 of cheese 359 the cheese 362 e cheese 375 chuck e 402 grilled cheese 409 n cheese 431 & cheese 445 cream cheese 796 cheese and 1018 and cheese

bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | g -v "^rt " | s | u | ./cheese_grams.rb 3 | s | u -c | s -n | t 72 wine and cheese 75 ham and cheese 77 egg and cheese 81 a grilled cheese 84 with cream cheese 94 at chuck e 203 mac & cheese 300 mac n cheese 305 mac and cheese 342 chuck e cheese

bash> ./parse_cheese_out.rb < cheese.out | h -10000 | ./sanitise.rb | g -v "^rt " | s | u | ./cheese_grams.rb 4 | s | u -c | s -n | t 21 with cream cheese frosting 22 chuck e cheese with 23 and mac and cheese 24 a grilled cheese sandwich 25 bacon egg & cheese 28 mac n cheese and 31 mac and cheese and 32 bacon egg and cheese 57 to chuck e cheese 87 at chuck e cheese

  1. collect some data and compare use over a weekend compared to a weekday compared to the entire week
  2. employ a more advanced deduping algorithm, i've been looking for an excuse to try some modifications to my sketching algorithms
to be continued, who knew cheese could be so much fun!!!