brain of mat kelcey...

solving y=mx+b... with jax on a tpu pod slice

February 07, 2021 at 01:00 PM | categories: tpu, ensemble_nets, jax, projects, haiku

a 4 (and a bit) part tutorial / colab / screencast series starting with jax fundamentals working up a data parallel approach to running on a cloud tpu pod slice... all focused on solving the toughest problem in machine learning; 1d y=mx+b

ensemble networks

September 17, 2020 at 06:30 AM | categories: objax, projects, ensemble_nets, jax

ensemble nets; using jax vmap to batch over not just the inputs of a model but also sets of multiple models parameters.

a jax random embedding ensemble network

June 15, 2020 at 06:30 AM | categories: ensemble_nets, jax

random embedding networks can be used to generate weakly labelled data for contrastive learning and can be run in single model ensembles as a single forward pass in jax.

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