brain of mat kelcey...
evolved channel selection
March 01, 2021 at 10:20 PM | categories: projects, ga, jax
rather than use all 13 channels in a multi spectral image for classification can we train a model that is robust to all combos, at all resolutions, and use a genetic algorithm to choose which are the most valuable? (spoiler; yes)
solving y=mx+b... with jax on a tpu pod slice
February 07, 2021 at 01:00 PM | categories: tpu, ensemble_nets, jax, projects, haiku
a 4 (and a bit) part tutorial / colab / screencast series starting with jax fundamentals working up a data parallel approach to running on a cloud tpu pod slice... all focused on solving the toughest problem in machine learning; 1d y=mx+b
out of distribution detection using focal loss
December 02, 2020 at 01:00 PM | categories: objax, jax, projects
a series of small experiments on using focal loss to do out of distribution detection
dithernet very slow movie player
October 21, 2020 at 10:30 PM | categories: gan, jax, projects, objax
a GAN experiment to generate dithers for an eink screen minimising pixel change between frames for a very slow movie player.
ensemble networks
September 17, 2020 at 06:30 AM | categories: objax, projects, ensemble_nets, jax
ensemble nets; using jax vmap to batch over not just the inputs of a model but also sets of multiple models parameters.
solving cartpole... by evolving the raw bytes of a 1.4KB tflite microcontroller serialised model
September 13, 2019 at 12:00 AM | categories: projects
evolving a controller for cartpole using an evolutionary algorithm that operates directly on the byte level of a serialised tf lite microcontroller model.
a half baked pix2pix experiment for road trip videos with teaching forcing
June 26, 2019 at 01:00 PM | categories: gan, projects
a half baked attempt to train a pix2pix model on dash cam videos from a roadtrip around the eastern state of the u.s.
pybullet grasping with time contrastive network embeddings
June 11, 2019 at 01:00 PM | categories: projects
an example of using time contrastive networks to learn embeddings for the pose of a kuka arm in a pybullet simulated grasping environment.
counting bees on a rasp pi with a conv net
May 17, 2018 at 12:30 PM | categories: projects
training a fully convolutional unet to count bees from a raspberry pi stuck to the side of a hive.
August 11, 2016 at 10:00 PM | categories: projects
a pybullet 3d version of cartpole where the pole isn't connected to the cart and you have to learn from pixels.
learning to do laps with reinforcement learning and neural nets
February 13, 2016 at 10:00 PM | categories: projects
using reinforcement learning to train neural nets for driving a simulated robot around a track.
do all first links on wikipedia lead to philosophy?
August 13, 2011 at 03:00 PM | categories: projects
using hadoop and a wikipedia dump to test the hypothesis that all first links on pages eventually lead to philosophy.
popular posts...
FPGA wavenets : eurorack audio processing neural nets running at ~200,000 inferences/sec (oct 2023)
dithernet very slow movie player : a GAN that slowly plays a movie over a year on an eink screen (oct 2020)

evolved channel selection : neural networks robust to any subset of input channels, at any resolution (mar 2021)

ensemble nets : training ensembles as a single model using jax on a tpu pod slice (sept 2020)

bnn : counting bees with a rasp pi (may 2018)

drivebot : learning to do laps with reinforcement learning and neural nets (feb 2016)

wikipedia philosophy : do all first links on wikipedia lead to philosophy? (aug 2011)

some papers from my time at google research / brain...
- Natural Questions: a Benchmark for Question Answering Research
- Using Simulation and Domain Adaptation to Improve Efficiency of Deep Robotic Grasping
- WikiReading: A Novel Large-scale Language Understanding Task over Wikipedia
my honours thesis
the co-evolution of cooperative behaviour (1997) evolving neural nets with genetic algorithms for communication problems.
old projects...
- latent semantic analysis via the singular value decomposition (for dummies)
- semi supervised naive bayes
- statistical synonyms
- round the world tweets
- decomposing social graphs on twitter
- do it yourself statistically improbable phrases
- should i burn it?
- the median of a trillion numbers
- deduping with resemblance metrics
- simple supervised learning / should i read it?
- audioscrobbler experiments
- chaoscope experiment